Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Who I am

Ok so a little about myself. I'm a blue collar guy with a beautiful wife and four kids that I absolutely love to death. In fact, having the great relationships with my children and my wife, is what I count as my greatest accomplishment in life. As an undeclared voter I have voted both Republican and Democrat in the past as I tend to vote my conscience and convictions. Like most Americans I have a great love of my country. In recent years I have become disenfranchised by how our country is being torn down and weakened by the political machine. I feel there is enough blame to go around to both parties. I have no degree, I'm not a student of politics but I care deeply and have opinions of my own on where we need to improve our nation. So I started this blog. You may not agree with my views and that's okay we all have different perspectives on things. If you wish to comment and post here its allowed, I am happy to defend my point of view in a civil but possibly spirited debate. I think I bring the perspective of the working person to the table, the person who needs to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, the person who has to juggle bills to get by. I hope something I write along the way makes someone somewhere go hmmmm. If that happens, then I guess I can feel good. Have great day and enjoy the blog. John

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