Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Hampshire shows Moxie

Last nights New Hampshire primaries showed us something. That the Granite State has had enough of politics as usual. This small but closely watched state has chosen as their candidates, two outsiders to the Washington political machine. Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are arguably two of the most unlikely choices in this political arena, yet here we have it, they are the front runners. Donald Trump has no political experience and this must be burning the asses of the GOP especially since he managed to piss of their donors at the debate in Manchester, with the audience booing the man at his disdain for them. Bernie Sanders, from the small but vocal state of Vermont, has managed to top Hillary Clinton, a true Washington insider, despite her claims that she is otherwise because of her gender. These two candidates are beholding to neither of the parties that they are trying to respectively gain the nominations for, yet those parties will have to start taking notice. I'm sure the dirty politics are going to begin in earnest now, because the insiders would rather have members of their clubs up in front. Which leads me to the reason I believe the State that I call home, has voted this way. People are tired of the open corruption that the insiders have gotten away with for decades. We are tired of seeing politicians who place self before party and party before country or community get away with it all. The message behind last night is a deeper one than just a nomination. It should be making the Washington establishment take note. People are disenfranchised and pissed off. We want our jobs back, we want our people safe, and we want place in the world arena to be that of a leader, not a lamb. That doesn't mean we have to bully, we can lead with compassion as well as strength. We want our people to have health coverage from birth, if that happened, our Vets would be automatically covered for life. We want our infrastructure safe, I read a report where something like eighty percent of our bridges are in need of repair. We spent gobs of money on "Shovel ready" projects which turned out to be a myth, while our bridges decay because they weren't "shovel ready" Really!!?? We want our economy stable, not just better. I have not seen much talk of how to avoid the 2008 debacle in the future. All we did was throw money, and a shit ton of it at that, at the issue. That might have helped us get out of the situation but what about avoiding it for next time? Oh yeah that's right, the Washington insiders don't want to avoid it because they love to take advantage of a crisis to cash in for themselves and their cronies. This shit has got to stop and that is why I think the great State of New Hampshire voted the way they did. For once Republicans and Democrats came together to say one thing. Enough.

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