I've been quiet for awhile just watching what is transpiring in the political arena, watching the media circus that has developed. Quite a few of the politicians now are jumping on the "we need more manufacturing" train. It seems to be a rather large talking point this primary season. I've one word for them .... DUH! When NAFTA was signed, the working ranks cried out, "what about our jobs?" We were placated by Washington, "Don't worry this will encourage more people to get college degrees and therefore better jobs" What the "Brainiacs" in Washington never took into account was that the aptitude and or desire of many blue collar workers wasn't compatible with a college education. Their attitude was that they knew what was better for us so we needed to shut up and do what they say. What we wanted or needed was of no consequence to them, they know better. They don't know much but they know better.
What the stupid bastards didn't realize or didn't care was, that they were making a nation of service industry workers who would now rely on fast food jobs and WalMart type jobs to feed their families. This makes our workers stronger how? Now they are catching up to what us common folk knew all along and are seeing that our working force is being burdened with increasing weight year after year. Now they are playing catch up and want to do something about it. Now.... after millions of good paying manufacturing jobs are gone, now they see. Who could have seen the problems the trade agreements much like the one this administration along with the rest of the politicians just approved, would cause? Oh wait, everyone that wasn't in Washington did.
The candidates pretty much all claim to want to do something about it, and they pretty much all acknowledge the mistakes of the trade agreements. Better late than never I guess and I hope they are serious about actually doing something about this. We can't keep hurting the work force which is the backbone of this country without causing more harm to America. It's just common sense and I know that Washington lacks this, but maybe they are learning on this one. Which does bring me to a question for Hillary. Why would you want to put your husband in as Manufacturing Czar after he drove the bus over us with NAFTA when he signed it into effect? Are you frigging nuts?!?! Are you the only one not learning or listening? Are you that arrogant and conceited as to not realize he helped cause this problem and now you want the fox in charge of the hen house? Ugh I hope for the sake of this country, you don't win. You'll never change, you'll never listen to the people, and you'll never be anything more than the business as usual dirty politician you really are.
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