Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Plenty of Blame to Go Around

Anyone who has read my blog can gather that I'm not a fan of politics as usual and I blame both the Democrat politicians and the Republican politicians pretty much equally for the semi-disastrous state we are in. However, there is another group who shares the blame as well, and that would be us. For decades we have looked the other way, as politicians skim the fat off before tossing the scraps on the floor for us to fight over. We watch as their loyalties have been to their party and those who donated the most to their campaigns, placing the good of America a distant third in their priorities. While maybe that's not exactly treason, it's still really disgusting. We have complacently allowed open corruption to take the place of integrity and honesty, I mean really how do we let them get away with Super Delegates, if that's not open corruption I don't know what is. We accept their excuses with a shrug of the shoulders or the comment "they all do it." as if that makes it somehow cosmically okay. All too often the defense we use to justify the bad actions of a politician that we like is.... the other guy did it. We are guilty of this hypocrisy as much as the politician is simply because we don't wish to acknowledge that the person we backed isn't perfect. We should have been demanding, honesty, and accountability all along instead of accepting excuses like "I misspoke" Too many times from too many mouths we have heard those words. Misspoke my ass, a lie is a lie, but we don't call them on this, we don't force them to own up to their lies, we let them bullshit us. What did my generation do when Bill Clinton had extra marital sex in the Oval Office? We turned him into a frigging rock star with excuses like it's not our business, it's between the Clintons. Excuse me? If a politician can betray their spouse and desecrate the Oval office in that manner, what makes us think said politician will be above board with the rest of us? Why don't character and integrity matter to us?

We need to start doing something about this, we need to start bitching louder and longer. In this electronic age it's too easy to find our leaders emails and send them our complaints. We should be inundating them with our anger at the shape our country is in. We should especially be challenging those we support or voted for when they screw up, maybe criticism from their own people will go further, they might actually become aware they could lose votes if we stood up to them. Why don't we? Complacency, laziness ,apathy. None of the above, all of the above.

If we truly want a political revolution, it needs to start with us. We need to weed through the crap, make them accountable, and keep at them when they screw up. I'm a fan right now of voting out incumbents, and that means party insiders looking to be President as well. The table is set right now for us to really make a difference with out vote more so than any other time I can remember. We have two outsiders looking in trying to get their respective nominations. Trump and Sanders. It doesn't look hopeful for Sanders I'm sad to say, because not enough people voting in the Democrat primaries are willing to stand up for change. Not at this point anyway. Now that it's down to basically Trump and Cruz on the other side, we will really see if Republicans are looking for change or are they looking to be lambs to the slaughter like so many of their counterparts. There is not much time left to make a difference in this next Presidential election. The time to make the change is now, not when it's narrowed down to two. Prior to November is when we should be showing them we mean business. After November it may be too late, our choices may both be wrong at that point.

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