Sunday, February 21, 2016

Hillary pulls it off

In spite of the number of confidential emails raising to 1,752 that Hillary had on her private server, she took the Nevada caucus by around 7 percent and she goes into South Carolina with a lead of over 20 points. Her lead in Nevada had at one time been 25 which Bernie had cut into quite deeply indicating Bernie is making some waves. I just hope he begins making bigger ones. It's a bit disappointing to see that not more Democrats are looking to boot politics as usual in the ass. It's almost as if they are being as stubborn as they accuse the Republicans of being. Democrats were all about change last Presidential election but aren't committing to it this time as much yet, but it is still early yet. South Carolinas Dem primary date is the 27th of this month, a week away.

On the Republican side Trump won with 33 percent of the vote while Jeb dropped out of the race. Goodbye Mr. Regime builder. No dynastic administration for the GOP this time around. With only 3 days in between South Carolina and Nevada for the Republicans, Trump has a lead over Cruz of about 22 percent. That may decrease slightly with the loss of Jeb. Not that his being out is a big loss. On the Republican side it's outsiders 2 insiders 1 and on the Democrat side it's insiders 2 outsiders 1. Of course one of the insiders victory was due to a coin flip. Imagine that, in a caucus, the winner can be decided the same way the NFL decides who kicks off first. Gotta love it. I hope Dems start stepping it up and call for real change with their votes soon. Otherwise Hillary's barking speech could turn out to be prophetic as it could be a real dog fight for the nomination on the Democrat side.

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