Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Trump Stirring it up Some More

Donald Trump is at it again. He is threatening to bring a lawsuit saying that Cruz is not eligible to be President because he was born in Canada if Cruz doesn't apologize for saying what Trump claims are lies against him. He is also slamming the RNC, saying that they are breaking the non binding agreement that was signed by them and he in which Trump has agreed to back whoever becomes Republican primary candidate. The GOP machine wanted this as a show of good faith that Trump would not make a run as an independent should he not get the nomination. That's interesting in that the RNC must realize that an Independent run by Donald Trump would hurt the Republicans more than the democrats, and they wanted to have a weapon if he does go Independent by saying he is untrustworthy for breaking the agreement. However what Trump is saying is that the Republicans have already not held up their end by stacking the audience with donors who favor other candidates. At first glance, Donald's huffing and puffing could be seen as a stunt to get attention and grab headlines but I think there is more to it than that. He's probably right they probably are stacking the audiences. I'm sure the insider Republicans don't want him to win the nomination being the wildcard that he is. By Trump calling attention to this, he's setting up a possible future for him to run Independent with a clean conscience and slate, in that he is pointing out that they broke the deal first which means he doesn't have to hold up his end. In other words, he's covering all bets so that no matter the outcome, Donald Trump, comes out with a deal he can work with. Do you think he knew of the donor situation before he signed the agreement? It would be just like him to have that escape route, or one just like it, ready when he signed what seemingly is a deal that ties his hands. The whole threatening to sue on behalf of Ted Cruz's eligibility I think is a just way to get Cruz to put pressure on the Republican insiders to get them to ease off Trump. I don't think Donald is ready to walk away from the battle for Republican candidate yet. A lawsuit would take time and resources away from Ted Cruz no matter what the outcome and would be a distraction he doesn't need. So it would almost be in Ted's best interest to backdoor help Donald on this front. If the republicans don't back down, it will help to show their refusal to change tactics and lets Trump off the hook, if they do, Donald has one upped them and either way, they play into his hands. Once again I'll say I think it's nice to have such an outsider as Trump running for a party nomination. He says things none of the other candidates can get away with saying and he doesn't just whisper them he loudly shouts it out for all to hear. Like him or hate him, he has been, and is continuing, to shake things up within the ranks of the Republicans and certainly made the entire primary season worth paying attention to so far.

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