Friday, March 4, 2016

Hillary the Teflon Dem

You now who Hillary reminds me of? John Gotti, The Teflon Don. For years, no matter what that man did, he got away with it, outsmarting law enforcement agencies until finally, the FBI caught up with him. He was popular with the public and while he escaped justice time after time, his associates took the fall. Sound familiar? Clinton associates went to jail for Whitewater, but the Clintons got off scott free. Hell old Bill even pardoned Susan McDougal on his way out the door for her part in the scandal. After Bill's presidency, they move to New York and Hillary runs for senate. What did a Midwest born, southern Democrat know or even care about what New York wanted or needed? The answer is nothing, she simply wanted to set up a run for President.

As a defense attorney, she laughed about a twelve year old sexual assault victim that had accused her client. When women came forward claiming Bill sexually harassed them, she reportedly threatened to destroy them and called them bimbos, yet now she claims to be a women's right advocate. The only reason she is a Womens advocate is because it's politically advantageous, like being a senator from New York. She claims being a woman is holding her back in politics, yet she is one of the biggest insiders in the Democratic Party there is. The Super Delegates pledged to her show that. She "misspoke" about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia. How the hell do you do that? Probably the same way she "misspoke" about the truth of Benghazi for nine days when she knew the truth hours after it happened. Her, and her departments in-action in providing extra security in Libya when it was asked for two years prior to the tragedy, combined with their not sending requested help the night of, contributed to the deaths of American citizens. You think maybe that was a case of bad judgement at the very least? Speaking of bad judgement, how is using a private server that could be hacked in less than an hour by any halfway decent hacker, to hold confidential and classified emails from our government officials not a terrible lack of judgement on her part? Can any one of her supporters answer that? I'm wondering if this guy Bryan Pagliano, who has immunity for testifying, isn't going to end up shouldering the blame for the email debacle so that Clinton can claim she didn't know everything and therefore isn't guilty. Sound familiar?

What I don't understand is how with all this stacking up on Hillary, can she still have as many supporters as she does? Is Bernie too honest for you people? Does he have too much integrity? Has he stayed too true to his values for the past 30 plus years for you? What is it? Is bad judgement something you want in a President? What?? A vote for Hillary isn't just a vote for politics as usual, it's a vote for the Master of politics as usual. Every move she makes, every thing she says, is only to further her political and personal ambitions. The state department used it's influence on behalf of her son in law, she makes well paying speeches to major corporations, which by the way she has yet to release the transcripts so people can see what she has said to these companies, and to be honest, I think she stayed with Bill after his infidelities because it was the political savvy thing to do. How someone can think she is trustworthy and has any integrity is beyond me. You know who else the public loved through all their corruption until the end? Al Capone, Joseph Colombo, and John Gotti. Sound familiar?

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