Sunday, March 13, 2016

Bernie Protesters At The Wrong Rally

Trump has everyone worried these days. Even the Democrats. A series of protests are interrupting Trump's rallies and they don't come from where I thought they might. I would think that during primaries when it is Republican verse Republicans and Democrat verse Democrat, protesters would be attending rallies of the opponent/s of their candidate of choice. But noooooo, the ones interrupting and protesting Trump are Bernie Sanders supporters. CNN reports that, an organization that has endorsed Sanders, admitted to providing the signs to them.

I get that Trump scares both parties, and he should, he doesn't owe either of them shit and he knows it. What I don't get is Sanders supporters putting the horse before the cart. If your boy can't get through Clinton, then Trump is a non issue. WTF? Why aren't you out protesting Clinton who has lied about Bernie during the debates? You're putting you're energy into an easy target like Trump who puts foot in mouth daily when you should be going after the person who could stop Bernie from being the Democratic candidate. Is his your way of conceding to Hillary? Damn get out there and fight for your candidate but put the fight where it belongs, with his opponent. If you don't help him win the nomination, you can put part of the blame on yourself for misdirecting your focus on a race that may not happen. Focus people, focus. Hillary is his opponent. All you're doing now is providing free press for Trump. He's probably loving what you're doing for him. You're really are putting the cart before the horse here people.

I watched an interview with Ben Cohen on this subject, now Ben is co-founder of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and a supporter of Bernie. While calling Trump Un American and blasting him about his comments, Ben waffled on the idea that the protesters were organized. I have a bit of advice for Ben, if you want people to believe you're being honest, you might want to look into the camera directly like you're making eye contact instead of looking all over the room and stuttering in your answers, like a child lying to his dad. Just saying. I understand Trump is scary. He's a scary man indeed, but right now the one you people should be scared about is Hillary Clinton, the scariest person in the Democratic Party. On a side note I want to give a shout out to Mr. K. It seems he enjoys my blog with a cup of coffee in the mornings. Thanks, it's good to know I have one steady fan out there.

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