Friday, February 19, 2016

Superdelegates: Corruption at its Finest

Superdelegate votes are the epitome of corruption in the election process. Superdelegates for those who aren't aware, are people who have a delegate they can cast for the candidate of their choice regardless of which way the people have voted. In the DNC there are 712 superdelegates and a candidate needs 2,382 total delegates needed to win the nomination. In essence, these super delegates can cast their vote against how the people of their state have voted. That's not to say that none of a state's delegates won't go to the winner, just not necessarily all that should go to them. What this really means is that the idea that "Everyone's vote counts the same" is pure and utter bullshit.

The votes of these chosen members of the insider of the party, and both parties have them, mean more than your's and mine, a lot more. This is a major WTF moment. It doesn't get any more crooked than this and we let it happen. We as citizens let this open corruption happen without so much as a whimper. We need to bitch and moan and groan about this. Why should their votes mean more than ours? This really means the whole process of voting for the nomination of the parties is a complete joke. The insiders can put their weight the way they want and business as usual continues.

I've read reports that Hillary already has enough promised superdelegates that Bernie Sanders would have to totally dominate all the rest of the voting delegates to win. I call foul in the loudest and angriest way I can. I'm not sure how or if this process can be changed but I know one thing right now. I'm going to contact the superdelegates in my state, N.H., and let them know they absolutely lose my vote for them in the future if they go against the grain of what the people have called for. We all need to do that or they are going to steamroll over us until we are bloody and sore. Please complain about this process, often and loudly.

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