Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Hillary? Really?

Looking over the Democrat's side of the nomination process is a little more simple with only two major players in the field. It's almost eerily down to only two this soon in the process. Maybe that's because the DNC machine has all it's egg in the Hillary basket even if they aren't openly stating so. So on one side we have a self professed socialist in Bernie Sanders facing off against one of the biggest Democratic insiders there is. Hillary Clinton. Talk about a Davey and Goliath set up. Bernie Sanders is a believer, he believes in his cause and passionately champions what he believes. A mark in his favor. He's not running to be President for power, or ego, or even monetary gain. Bernie truly wants to help the people of this country live better lives, all the people. Just watch him speak and you can't help but see the earnestness in his voice and demeanor. He wants to take on big corporations and make them pay for doing business, and he wants to see executives held legally responsible for their actions. All noble causes. With belief to rival that of Don Quixote, Bernie Sanders leads the charge against Wall Street. Make no mistake, he's an intelligent, politely sly kind of guy. His recollection of regime building through the years and the way he tied Clinton to Kissinger without attacking her, is evidence of that. While Bernie's been around for a long time in the political game, he's not really one of the insiders and that is where his biggest challenge lies, taking on the apparent chosen one of the Democratic machine. Here's the thing I can't understand, he shouldn't have a hard battle against her at all. Not only is she a proven insider, a member of the club of politicians that helped to make the mess we have today, but the scandals and controversies surrounding her go back decades. Why is she still viable? Somehow there is enough support for Hillary in the rank and file of the Democrats that she is still a formidable foe. For me that's a WTF thought. Sanders mentioned in respect to regime building that judgement in a leader matters. I couldn't agree more. However I think Hillary lacks good judgement. Even if it turns out the she did nothing illegal in the email debacle, her judgement should be questioned hard by her followers. She used a private email server for State Department business. Wait What?!?!?! I know this is getting to be old news by now but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. Her latest answer was that everyone does it. Remember when you told your parents that everyone was doing it? What was their response? Isn't that bad judgement? How can it not be? Let's not forget that she and others in the State department lied not only to the families involved in the Benghazi attack but also to the American people. It took her office nine full days to admit it wasn't a video, a fact she knew long before that admission according to her own emails she was questioned about in Washington. Libyan President Mohamed Magariaf told the world five days after the attack that it was terrorist related and that the Obama administration account was preposterous. Libya was more honest than Hillary was. Libya. Hillary a friend to women? Not sure about that, try looking up Juanita Broadddrick, or Kathleen Willey, or Gennifer flowers, or even googling "Hillary laughed at twelve year old rape victim" see what comes up. Why don't you look up Hillary and sniper fire in Bosnia and you'll find that she falsely claimed to have to run from gunfire. Later she decided it was a misspeak. Misspeak? Please it was the same type of misspeak Brian Williams was hammered for. It seems as if Hillary is about as crooked flip flopping a politician as you can find, yet people stand by her like she is a rock star. She's not a rock star, she's old time, clique politics. She's a tell you what you want to hear and next year if you want to hear a different tune well she'll tell you that too type politician. Don't believe when she tells you she's on the outside in Washington because she's a woman, because she's as big an insider as it gets. She takes big PAC money and she gives well paid speeches at big corporations. Where do you think her loyalties are going to be? With the people..... really? Look if you want more of the same old politics as usual bullshit then go ahead and vote for Hillary but if you want a real change vote for...... Hank or Lisa or Bernie or anybody but Hillary.

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