I haven't blogged since right after the conventions finished. Initially I thought to let the race settle in to its pace then chime in from time to time. Something happened along the way. I became more and more mystified as the battle heated up. These are the best the parties had to offer? Wait what?!?! The Democrats went with an old school openly corrupt self serving elitist. The Republicans went with, well they went with Donald Trump. At first he was a breathe of fresh air owing nothing to a party and speaking his mind. Then he kept speaking his mind and the more he spoke, the more ridiculous the man sounded. I can put up with the "locker room" talk. If you want to hear real locker room talk be a limousine driver for a bachelorette party sometime, they make Donald Trump look like little orphan Annie. I know, I've done it. However, the man does suffer from foot in mouth disease. I guess he's just a bad hombre. I don't know how he's going to get a wall built either with all the Native American land there is at the border. That ain't gonna happen.
I honestly don't think he wants to win. Let me make my case. With all the open and proven corruption and flip flopping attached to Hillary, he could easily with class and a modicum of dignity bury her. Instead he chooses to attack her through her husband's infidelities and sexual harassment. Like a WWE wrestler he goes for the sensational and meaningless bull. If he's going to use Bill, then he should be pointing out she wants to put the man who helped create the 2008 recession in charge of our economic recovery. While he's at it he could point out that the Democrats say Obama fixed our economy already, so why would Bill need to be in charge of a recovery? He could push her on that but he doesn't. He could bullet point her speeches to Wall Street, he could bullet point many items found from the hacked emails without making the grandiose claim he would put her in jail, but he doesn't. He goes one step too far.
Why would a man who is under fire for being condescending to women, alianate more women by saying his SCOTUS appointments could possibly end up over turning Roe v Wade? Why would a candidate under fire for being racist use the term bad hombre? Why would a serious candidate for President "keep us in suspense" about wether or not they would accept the will of the American people? He's been screaming rigged rigged rigged from day one and I suspect he will again in November should things not go his way. Wether or not rigged could be true, if you can't prove it then it is just an empty conspiracy theory. He just keeps shooting himself in the foot over and over again. So why would a person who wants to be President keep hurting their chances? They wouldn't unless they were really stupid. Say what you want about the buffoon, he's too intelligent to be that stupid. He's a billionaire business man and nobody with that kind of wealth and power is that stupid. If he was, then he'd be broke and his accountants and business managers would be rich.
I wanted to like him. I really did because there is no way in hell im voting for someone as corrupt and dishonest as Hillary, but I don't honestly think he can tear himself away from his companies and brand long enough to run this country. I don't think he has the self sacrifice inside of him it takes to do that. Which leads me to believe that this whole idea of running for President was self serving. It feeds his ego, which we all know is huge, and let's face it as big as his brand is, being a major candidate come November doesn't exactly hurt it. Not to mention, how many deals is he making behind the scenes with those who are either happy or afraid he might succeed? How much clout do you think he has right now in the international community? A lot more than we realize I'll bet. Wether it does good or not I am writing in Bernie Sanders this election. I refuse to vote for a self serving Republican or a self serving Democrat.
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