Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Donald Trump a Punchline?

Dean Obeidallah wrote that Donald Trump is an embarrassment and a punchline. He makes an intelligent argument that the party that gave us Abe Lincoln and others now gives us Donald Trump. I can't say that he is totally wrong, as I have said that Trump is a cartoon character myself a time or two. However, in order to understand the Trump phenomenon, I think we have to look at what led us to this point. Years even decades of politicians putting party and self before country, have gotten people pissed off. I think as a people, we are at that breaking point that says something has got to give, and like the opportunist that he is, Donald Trump has swooped in. He's full of fire, he's loud, he's boisterous, and he won't cow tow to the GOP party. Not kissing the Republican's ass is what I think has more people on his side than anything else. He's making the biggest wave in the pool and people are attracted to him for his outside status. Let's face it, the professional politicians haven't done this country any favors as of late. Trade acts, deals that have allowed Korea nukes and soon Iran, regime building, and the general ignoring of what the people really need in this country, have weakened this country in the international community and turned our blue collar workers into service industry slaves who have to fight to get minimum wage increased so they can eat. Great job politicians, great job.(Sarc) You've turned the American Dream into, "what government aid can I do without to survive" All you politicians pretty much suck, with rare exception.

So on one side we have Bernie Sanders, an honest person with integrity and a long history of caring for people, who just upset Hillary in Michigan with an upset that may not be enough because of the asinine Super Delegates. While on the other side we have Donald Trump, larger than life, loud as hell and good at rankling feathers. It doesn't look like the Democrats are going to shake things up much, they seem determined to let Hillary, a career politician whose as bad or worse than the rest of them, have the nomination. So out of sheer frustration and disenfranchisement, people are turning to Trump. I can't say I blame them given the current state of Washington. Embarrassment? Maybe. Punchline? Maybe. But maybe, just maybe, it's just the embarrassing punchline those damn politicians need to smarten them up.

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