Friday, March 4, 2016

A Word to Romney

I voted for you and despite that I find myself shaking my head at your bullshit. It's so effing obvious that the GOP machine called on you to try and rake Trump over the coals it's not funny. Are your buddies that scared of him that they called in you, a guy who has been mostly quiet in the years since you lost, to dance for them like a chicken on a hot plate? YUP. Pathetic. Crawl back into your cave and let it go. You and the GOP just showed that the Republican machine is going to keep playing dirty politics,and that is what will turn people away from you guys and drive them right into Trump's hands. Man you dumb asses are hard learns when it comes to paying attention to what the people want. See people are tired of thick headed politicians that don't learn (GOP), and whine ass ones that keep blaming the other guys (DEMS). As soon as you both learn this, maybe we can turn America around again. Oh and did you forget you thanked Trump for his support in the last election you giant hypocrite?

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