Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Opportunity Slipping Away

I'm a cynic, so hope isn't generally in my vocabulary. I've watched too much of the same old bullshit go on year after year in Washington to think that true change can happen. It's probably the reason I didn't vote for Presdident Obama. While I watched him preach hope and change, he just reminded me of the same old politicians who said what we wanted to hear to get our vote. Seven years later, the cynic in me says "told ya so" He didn't change how Washington works, he didn't provide more transparency, and he didn't get rid of the pork. Don't get me wrong, I don't think everything he did was wrong, he's just more of the same old same old. Before the primary season started, I didn't have much hope that there would be any true change, the cynic in me wouldn't allow it. Hasn't happened yet, not going to happen, was my feeling. Then it started to happen, what I thought was impossible seemed possible.

Tump and Sanders came along. On the GOP side Trump is shaking things up like the Hulk taking on Loki. Puny politicians. On the Dem side, there's Bernie. Bernie cares about people, Bernie cares about this country, and Bernie wants to really change how things work. He isn't beholden to the DNC and he isn't beholden to corporate America. He's beholden to his conscience. So at the beginning of this primary season, this cynic foolishly allowed hope to creep in. The prospect of a Trump Sanders general election started to excite me. Talk about real change. Imagine two candidates who are outsiders dukeing it out for the greatest office in America. Imagine. But alas it's not looking good for this scenario and the cynic inside me is starting to berate himself for daring to hope.

While its mathematically still possible for Sanders to somehow pull it off, it seems there are enough Democrats that can look the other way when it comes to corruption and lies, who don't want to see any real change, and who just won't jump off that damn Hillary train out there for that to happen. I don't get it, the Democrats have a real chance to field an honest, sincere and honorable candidate and many of them are letting that opportunity slip right through their fingers. I wish it could be different but it's looking like "I told you so" is going to be my mantra for a little longer.

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