Monday, March 7, 2016

Sanders Gets Gritty

So Bernie Sanders has stepped it up, proving he won't be pushed around by Hillary telling her "Excuse me I'm talking." He kept her from interrupting him more than once which is exactly what he needed to do. Prove he won't be bullied. Since they were in Flint Michigan, Clinton took the opportunity to slam Sanders for voting against the auto bailout, as if the auto bailout was a good thing. Let's look at the aftermath of the bailout. We were told we needed to loan GM billions of dollars so they wouldn't have to file bankruptcy and therefore save a million jobs. Of course now Hillary inflates that number to four million, but that's what professional politicians do, exaggerate, aka misspeak, aka lie, to make their point seem more valid. In the GM deal the union got a percentage of the company and lo and behold, GM went bankrupt in 2011 anyways, making our bailout a waste in my opinion. If that's what they were going to do anyway, why did they need our billions? Last I knew there was five billion we were not going to get back from them. With Chrysler, when they gave them money, a deal was made for them to close a certain amount of dealerships. That didn't put anyone out of work? Now FIAT owns the controlling share of that company. So let's see, the big three American owned companies are really down to the big two since Chrysler is owned by a foreign company. Out of the two remaining companies, only one needed a bailout so they wouldn't go bankrupt and they did anyways. So what did the bailout accomplish? It spent our money that's for sure, it gave control of GM to the government for a small while (think OnStar people) and it paid off political favors to the auto unions, who should now be pissed at the Obama administration because the new Pacific trade deal looks to cut auto worker jobs out of this country making the efforts to "save" the auto industry even more of a waste. Yeah Hillary, point out that Bernie was against a bailout that really turned out to be a crap deal. Good job.

I saw online polls asking who won the debate, and by a large margin, Sanders was ahead, a large margin. Hopefully this will help turn the tide for Bernie, because he sure needs it especially since the corrupt Super Delegate process they use gives Hillary a huge lead toward the nomination. One thing is for sure, people need to get off the Clinton dynastic train and join up with Bernie. The time for change is truly ripe in politics and I fear that if this opportunity is missed by either of the two parties, we may not get it back. Imagine, another four or even eight years of politics as usual, that's a rabbit hole we need to escape.

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