Friday, July 29, 2016

The Main Event

Conventions are done, battle lines are drawn and for better or worse, come November we will have either Hillary or Donald as our President. So it comes down to a liar in chief or a big mouth in chief. I get why Trump is the Republican nominee. In a time when the people of this country are calling for political change, he was the biggest face of change on their side. I don't think I will ever understand why the democrats chose complacency over change and put Clinton in. Maybe it's the "historical" factor. I just don't know. The previous President was historical and his presidency has been mediocre at best. History for its own sake just doesn't work.

Trump says what's on his mind whether you like it or not. He doesn't have much of a filter and this makes him a wild card. I'll call this foot in mouth disease or FIMD for short. If his wranglers can get him to tone down, he might be able to pull it off. Of course that's assuming he can let his ego go for five minutes and listen to someone else. Should he prove he can do that during the campaign, it might show he could do that during a term as President. The next few months will tell a lot. He makes me a bit nervous, but not enough to ever consider Hillary Clinton as my choice.

It has been proven as fact that she lies. From sniper fire in Bosnia to the truth about Benghazi to the classified emails she "never sent" on her server, it has been documented that she lies. She has close ties to Wall Street, her foundation takes donations from foreign governments, and she wants to put Bill in charge of the economy. The same Bill who signed two laws into effect that helped to create the financial collapse of 2008. In typical Clintonian fashion she never takes responsibility for her actions. The Clintons escaped Whitewater unscathed while their associates were convicted or committed suicide. How convenient that Bill pardoned at least one of those associates on his way out the door. Hillary's excuse for the classified email situation that she initially denied doing then was proven to be a liar, was to say others did it. Did others laugh about a rape victim too Hillary? I don't get it, most nominees lie on the campaign trail and then when they are President, their lies are challenged but by then it's too late. Hilary's lies are known before she ever got the nomination and yet....she still gets the nod. Wait a minute, maybe I am staring to get it. That's the change the Democrats chose, the lies are up front and out in the open and that must seem refreshing to them.

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